Sunday, July 5, 2009

Pulling a fast one in Honduras

So (ex-)President Manuel Zelaya, perhaps at the behest of Hugo Chavez, was trying to pull a fast one on the Honduran nation when the Supreme Court caught wind of the stench and ordered his arrest and the Army, probably the only capable institution with any organization in the country, executed the request-- who else could have done it peacefully? How is this a coup? How is this undemocratic? It is the will of a great part of the people and of the legal body of Honduras.

I support Roberto Micheletti, especially since he's a supporter of Atalanta. I don't particularly care if he has 'democratic' inclinations, only that he was surely the most logical choice to fill the void once Zelaya was ousted in a quite orderly and quite legal fashion.

Obama (in league with a number of Latin American leaders under Venezuela's sway) is quick to defend 'Democracy' no matter what the cost, even if his protege in Honduras isn't particularly committed to 'Democratic' principles to begin with (which is what led to his arrest and exile!), and even if returning Manuel Zelaya to power would be a detriment to American policy in the region. Perhaps he's simply afraid of encouraging a so-called 'military coup' publicly, or perhaps Obama is in fact a Venezuelan mole. As Mr. Moldbug put it; "Barack Obama gives an excellent press conference, but I have no idea what his role, if any, is in the Obama administration. Maybe he contributes a lot in the meetings ..."

End note: If this is the best 'military coup' Latin American can produce in this day and age, I weep for the future... the boring, boring future. Regardless I'll spend a great deal of time today scouring the web for news on Zelaya's planned return to Honduras. Let us hope for the best. Let us hope for some action. Let us hope for some change we can believe in.

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